Mexican Boat Names
Mexican Boat Names

If you’re from Mexico or are sailing in Mexico, you may want to find a name for your boat that honors Mexico’s maritime tradition and culture.

And our list of Mexican boat names might be just the thing for you! Whether you are looking for a name to honor your cultural heritage or just want a Mexican-themed moniker, these names can add a touch of character to your boat.

31 Unique Mexican Boat Names To Spice Up Your Watercraft

Here are 31 Mexican boat names you can choose from:

  1. Dios de los Mares – “God of the Seas”
  2. La Sirena – “The Mermaid”
  3. La Reina del Mar – “The Queen of the Sea”
  4. El Corazon de la Bahia – “The Heart of the Bay”
  5. El Maestro de las Ondas – “The Master of the Waves”
  6. Navegante del Sol – “Sailor of the Sun”
  7. Las Manos de Diosa – “God’s Hands”
  8. Malecon Magico – “Magic Boardwalk”
  9. Altamar Azul – “Blue High Seas”
  10. Playa Caliente – “Hot Beach”
  11. Salvador Tropical – “Tropical Savior”
  12. Vela de los Sueños – “Sail of Dreams”
  13. La Perla Mariposa – “Butterfly Pearl”
  14. El Corazon Encantador – “The Lovely Heart”
  15. El Fantasma Azul – “The Blue Ghost”
  16. El Viajero – “The Traveler”
  17. La Aventura – “The Adventure”
  18. Angel de los Mares – “Angel of the Seas”
  19. Los Piratas de Mexico – “Mexican Pirates”
  20. Rio Rojo – “Red River”
  21. Cabo Esperanza – “Cape Hope”
  22. Libertad de las Ondas – “Freedom of the Waves”
  23. Cielo Azul – “Blue Sky”
  24. Mariposa Del Mar – “Butterfly of the Sea”
  25. La Danza del Mar – “The Dance of the Sea”
  26. La Alegría del Mar – “The Joy of the Sea”
  27. El Navegante – “The Navigator”
  28. La Aventura Salvaje – “The Wild Adventure”
  29. El Poder Marítimo – “The Maritime Power”
  30. La Llave del Mar – “The Key to the Sea”
  31. El Conquistador del Mar – “The Conquistador of the Sea”

Inspired by the rich heritage of Mexico, these Mexican boat names can range from poetic and romantic to adventurous and fun.

Whichever one you choose, it will give your boat its own unique personality that fits perfectly with the cultura Mexicana!

You may also want to check out our all of our lists of boat names for further inspiration.

Happy Boat Naming!


Happy Sailing!