Sailboat Names In French
Sailboat Names In French

Are you looking for a moniker for your new sailboat that’s romantic, poetic, or even whimsical? How about taking inspiration from the most romantic language in the world and coming up with a boat name in French?

Read on for a list of some of the best sailboat names in French that you can use for your own vessel.

61 Whimsical Sailboat Names in French

Here are 61 sailboat names in French to choose from:

  1. La Fleur – The Flower
  2. L’Aventure – The Adventure
  3. Le Soulagement – Relief
  4. La Liberté – Freedom
  5. L’espoir – Hope
  6. Le Tourbillon – Whirlwind
  7. L’audace – Boldness
  8. Le Souffle de la Vie – Breath of Life
  9. Joie De Vivre – Joy of Living
  10. Mer de Gloire – Sea of Glory
  11. L’Esprit Libre – The Free Spirit
  12. Vitesse et Lumière – Speed and Light
  13. Douce Brise – Gentle Breeze
  14. Espoir Éternel – Eternal Hope
  15. Vivre les Rêves – Living the Dreams
  16. Belle Vie – Beautiful Life
  17. Océan Profond – Deep Ocean
  18. Glissement de Vagues – Smooth Sailing
  19. Vent des Mers – Wind of the Seas
  20. Le Spectacle du Ciel – The Sky Show
  21. L’ Océan Éternel – Eternal Ocean
  22. Toujours Vers l’Avenir – Always Towards the Future
  23. Rêver le Monde – Dream the World
  24. Vitesse Céleste – Celestial Speed
  25. Naviguer la Vie – Sailing Through Life
  26. L’amour et la Liberté – Love and Liberty
  27. Les Vagues de l’Espoir – Waves of Hope
  28. Le Songe des Mers – Dream of the Seas
  29. Voyager Inébranlable – Unfailing Voyager
  30. La Magie des Vents – Magic of the Winds
  31. Rêve Éternel – Eternal Dream
  32. Les Ondes de la Vie – Waves of Life
  33. Océan d’Avenir – Ocean of the Future
  34. L’Esprit Mariner – The Spirit of the Seaman
  35. Le Plaisir de Navigation – Pleasure of Sailing
  36. Reine des Mers – Queen of the Seas
  37. Rêver d’Évasion – Dreaming of Escape
  38. L’Aventure Éternelle – Eternal Adventure
  39. Le Bonheur des Mers – Happiness of the Seas
  40. L’innocence du Ciel – Innocence of the Sky
  41. La Mer Infinie – Infinite Sea
  42. Navigation Joyeuse – Joyful Navigation
  43. Les Vents de l’Océan – Winds of the Ocean
  44. La Grâce des Mers – Grace of the Seas
  45. Les Secrets de l’Océan – Secrets of the Ocean
  46. Naviguer Sur Un Rêve – Sailing on a Dream
  47. La Force des Vagues – Strength of the Waves
  48. Vente Libre – Free Wind
  49. Le Ciel Éternel – Eternal Sky
  50. Les Mers du Temps – Seas of Time
  51. L’Horizon Infini – Infinite Horizon
  52. La Joie des Vagues – Joy of the Waves
  53. Navigation Magique – Magical Navigation
  54. Courage des Vents – Courage of the Winds
  55. L’Éternité des Mers – Eternity of the Seas
  56. Rêve Éternel – Eternal Dream
  57. Les Trésors de l’Océan – Treasures of the Ocean
  58. Le Grand Océan – The Big Ocean
  59. Navigation Paisible – Peaceful Navigation
  60. L’Esprit des Eaux – Spirit of the Waters
  61. Le Navigateur Éternel – Eternal Navigator

Whether it’s something whimsical like “Le Songe des Mers” or meaningful like “L’Esprit Libre”, we hope that you can find one from our list of sailboat names in French that speaks to you.

Happy Boat Naming!


Happy Sailing!