Eskimo Boat Names
Eskimo Boat Names

An Eskimo boat, also known as an umiak, is a large open watercraft used by Eskimos of Alaska to transport people and possessions. These boats are traditionally made from driftwood frames covered with seal skins.

Are you a proud owner of an Eskimo boat or just want an Eskimo-themed moniker? Then this list of eskimo boat names with meanings is perfect for you!

31 Cool Eskimo Boat Names With Meanings

Here is a list of Eskimo boat names:

  1. Nanook – This name means polar bear in Inuit
  2. Igloo – An igloo is the traditional Eskimo house made of ice and snow
  3. Qajaq – This is the Inuit word for kayak
  4. Siku – In Inuit, this means ice
  5. Aanaar – This name means “mother of all” in Inuit
  6. Avilait – This name means “where the ice stops” in Inuit
  7. Iqaluit – This is the name of the capital of Nunavut, the largest and northernmost territory of Canada
  8. Inuk – This name means “human” in Inuit
  9. Qimat – This name means “wind” in Inuit
  10. Tuugaalik – This is the Inuit word for a ringed seal, a staple of the traditional Inuit diet
  11. Atka – In Inuit, this means “guardian spirit”
  12. Ivalo – This name means “light” in Inuit
  13. Tuktu – This is the Inuit word for caribou, an animal that is crucial to the traditional Eskimo way of life
  14. Akna – This name means “mother goddess” in Inuit
  15. Qaanaaq – This is the name of a town in northern Greenland
  16. Nalukatak – This name means “happy seal” in Inuit
  17. Ukiuktaqtumi – This is the Inuit word for the northern lights
  18. Amaruq – This name means “grey wolf” in Inuit
  19. Iluliaq – In Inuit, this means “iceberg”
  20. Ipiutaq – This name means “calm” in Inuit
  21. Pana – This is the Inuit word for snow, and it’s a unique name for a boat that will take you through wintry waters.
  22. Qikiqtaarjuk – This name means “big island” in Inuit and is a great name for a boat that will take you to explore the Arctic islands.
  23. Umiak – This is the Inuit word for a large boat that is used for hunting and transportation
  24. Inuit Nunangat – This is the Inuit term for the Inuit homeland, which encompasses the Arctic regions of Canada
  25. Nuna – This name means “earth” in Inuit
  26. Sila – This is the Inuit word for the universe and the natural forces that govern it
  27. Pukak – This name means “storm” in Inuit
  28. Pinga – This name means “goddess of the hunt” in Inuit
  29. Quviasuktuq – This is the Inuit word for the feeling of complete happiness and contentment
  30. Nunaqaq – This name means “little earth” in Inuit
  31. Umingmak – This is the Inuit word for a muskox, a majestic Arctic animal that is known for its strength and resilience

We hope you enjoyed this list of Eskimo boat names that can surely add a special touch to your vessel. Whether you are looking for something with meaning or just want to honor the Eskimo culture, these names should help you get started.

Happy Boat Naming!


Happy Sailing!